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Fast and free temporary
email address in 2 easy steps!
Private and secure.
 Ad Supported
yes1 email at a time
 Send Emails
 Custom Email Address
 Save Email Addresses
 Exclusive Domains
 New Features First
 API Access
yesPrivate Emails
yesLogs Securely Wiped
yesNo Recurring Charges
Go Free
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Pay as you need it
0.000761 BTC
Create 100s of email addresses!
Each payment extends your access for 30 days.
Simplify your workflow today!
yes100+ emails at a time
yesSend Emails
yesCustom Email Address
yesSave Email Addresses
yesExclusive Domains
yesNew Features First
yesAPI Access
yesPrivate Emails
yesLogs Securely Wiped
yesNo Recurring Charges
Go Pro!
recover temporary email icon


Recover Lost Accounts
Recover an email address?
Try this first!
You will need an email token.
Recover now!

EmailOnDeck PRO
Frequently Asked Questions

What is EmailOnDeck Pro?

EmailOnDeck Pro gives you the opportunity to enhance your temporary email address experience.  Specifically, you can create multiple email addresses and save emails for extended periods of time.  The email addresses are private and only viewable to you.

How much does EmailOnDeck Pro cost?

The cost varies based on the value of Bitcoin (BTC).  Once you make your one-time payment you will have access to EmailOnDeck Pro for 30 days.  Every additional one-time payment you make will extend your access for an additional 30 days.

What is Bitcoin (BTC)?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and you can find out more about it on Bitcoin Wikipedia.  You can find out more information about Ethereum (ETH) at the Ethereum Community.

I don't have Bitcoin...

You can try using ShapeShift to buy Bitcoin or Ethereum.  If you have Cash App, you can send Bitcoin, read the Cash App Instructions.  We do not have any control or guarantees about the Cash App or any other 3rd party application.

With EmailOnDeck Pro, can I send email?

YES!  With EmailOnDeck Pro, you can send emails to whoever you want.  To save on storage costs, we securely wipe our mail logs every few days.

In order to prevent the bad apple who may abuse their sending privileges, we do insert your IP address in the email headers when sending the email and require a proof-of-work before each email send.


You can check out some screenshots here.


What is the Recovery process?

You can attempt to recover a temporary email address you previously had access to.  This requires an email token.  If you just recently created your temporary email address, you may be able to recover it for free.

If it's been a while since you created your temporary email address we will check to see if it is recoverable.  If so, you can recover it by signing up for EmailOnDeck Pro.

If I recover my email address will I still have access to all my emails?

If you haven't deleted the emails yourself AND you are able to recover it for free, then yes, you should still have access to the emails sent to your temporary email address.

If the only possibility for recovery requires you sign up for EmailOnDeck Pro, then all your emails will have already been wiped.  However, you will have access to the email address from which you can have emails be sent to it again.

I'm having troubles logging in.

The login and sign-up process both require passing a captcha, and these require javascript.  Please check to make sure you don't have adblock or javascript blocking the captcha.

API Access

You can now access your EmailOnDeck PRO account via an API. Please read the API Documentation for all the details.

Can I get a discount?

Everyone wants a discount, right?  Depending on your needs, the following option may make sense for you:  We offer a 15% discount for all who purchase 6 months (180 days) at a time.  Please contact us to confirm, this discount is not available without written approval.


Try recovering your temporary email address for free.

View more Frequently Asked Questions

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